Bank Referrals
When Traditional Bank Loans Aren’t an Option
At SouthStar Capital, we specialize in providing businesses with asset-based lending, accounts receivable financing, and equipment leasing. If your client doesn’t meet traditional bank financing qualifications, we can step in as a reliable alternative. Our Bank Referral Program ensures that your client never has to hear “no,” offering timely, custom financing solutions focusing on their financial growth and stability.
Why Partner with SouthStar?
Our bank referral program offers your clients a financing bridge, helping them build their business portfolio until they are ready to return to you for traditional bank financing. We act as an intermediary that prioritizes business growth and long-term financial success, ensuring your clients remain on track for their future.
Our Bank Referral Process
We’ve developed a streamlined, four-step process that ensures efficient and timely funding for your clients:
Step 1: Refer Your Client to SouthStar
Simply submit a client referral form, or have your client contact us directly at:
Phone: 843-277-6449
Email: referrals@southstarcapital.com
Step 2: Client Application Submission
After referral, we’ll conduct a brief introductory meeting with your client and provide them with our one-page application. They’ll submit this application along with any required supporting documents.
Step 3: Same-Day Application Approval
We pride ourselves on fast decisions. Once we receive your client’s application, we will provide an approval decision within 24 hours. Our underwriting team then moves quickly to secure the most beneficial solution for your client, maintaining open communication throughout the process.
Step 4: Submit Documents
SouthStar will notify you of the documents needed to proceed with funding. They are not required for your initial conversation with our team, but the faster we receive them, the faster we can issue funding for your business. The SouthStar team member you will speak with can answer any questions about these documents.
Step 5: Your Client Receives Funding
Once approved, your client can expect funding in 2-5 days. After the initial funding, any additional capital is available within 24 hours. Plus, every client is paired with a dedicated SouthStar account manager who will be on hand to support their continued financial growth.
A Typical SouthStar Client
At SouthStar Capital, we ensure that businesses needing working capital have the financial backing they require to grow and succeed, even when traditional bank financing isn’t an option. We’re committed to being the bridge between your client’s current financial situation and their future success.
- Operates a business selling to other companies or the government
- Located anywhere in the U.S.
- Requires financing from $50,000 to $10 million
- Holds commercial accounts receivable
- May have collateral such as accounts receivable, purchase orders, or equipment
- Could be experiencing rapid growth
- May have a weak balance sheet or limited profitability
- Could be in or emerging from bankruptcy
- May have tax liens or challenged credit history
- May be in an asset recovery department of a bank or on an “exit” strategy
- Seeks a fast refinancing solution
- Prefers working with a flexible, knowledgeable lender