Food Importer Secures $750K PO & A/R Financing to Meet Global Cruise Company Demand

The Situation
A food importer specializing in guacamole and tortilla chips secured a valuable relationship with a global Cruise company. The company requires Purchase Order (PO) and Accounts Receivable (A/R) financing of approximately $200,000 per month to meet the high demand for their product.
The Solution
SouthStar Capital provided a $750,000 Purchase Order & A/R facility to support the food importer’s needs. This financial solution enabled the company to manage its cash flow effectively, ensuring timely procurement of supplies and smooth conversion into receivables.
The Result
With SouthStar Capital’s $750,000 Purchase Order and A/R facility, the food importer successfully fulfilled orders for this Cruise company, maintaining a steady supply of guacamole and tortilla chips. The financial support facilitated the current product line and positioned the company to explore and expand into new product offerings. This strategic financing allowed the importer to solidify its relationship with this company and paved the way for future growth opportunities.